Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Body Language of Health Problems

Throughout the development of applied kinesiology there have been many characteristics observed indicating different health problems. This is known as "body language."

Knowing body language rapidly guides the examination. Body language can be seen in one's gait, posture, skin characteristics, hair, and this list could go on and on. It is seen by simple observation or by the patient's actions during the test procedures.

We know that the patient's body tries to effectively perform when muscle testing is done. This is recognized by the automatic recruitment of synergistic muscles when the primary muscle being tested is functionally inhibited (weak).

Cranial Fault Body Language

A similar effort may be present to adapt to cranial faults. When a muscle is being tested, the patient may take a breath or contract muscles in a facial grimace to accommodate for a cranial fault. If the examiner does not notice this, a functionally inhibited muscle will be missed. It is paramount that the examiner observe for respiratory changes or facial grimacing during muscle testing. The changes may be gross or very subtle.

When there is adaptive respiratory change, ask the patient to breathe in a relaxed manner while testing is being done; you will explain why later. Even though the patient desires to be cooperative, later in the examination s/he will often resume the respiratory change because it is an innate effort of the body to function effectively during the test.

A lay person would think that a facial grimace is simply showing an effort to pass the muscle test. Sometimes it is necessary to tell the patient that this is not a contest; you are just testing to see how the muscle performs. Explain that it is necessary that s/he keep the face and eyes relaxed, and you will explain why later.

When I am ready to make cranial corrections I show the patient a model skull with the sutures marked in black. I explain: "When I was in school I was told that the skull is solid and about all that it is worth is to protect the brain and is a place to hang your face. In reality there is subtle movement between the bones and the attachment to the dura mater that covers and provides balanced support for the brain. The dura also extends onto the cranial nerves, and improper tension may cause the nerves to not function properly.

"The reason I had you breathe in a relaxed manner when your muscles were being tested is because changing your respiration affects the test. The cranial mechanism is called the cranial primary respiratory system. When I correct your cranium I will have you take a specific deep phase of respiration that will enhance my correction. When I was testing your muscles your body knew it could function better if you changed your respiration. In other words the change of respiration was your body attempting to enhance the position of the bones and dura."

If the patient makes a facial grimace to enhance function, the above discussion can be modified to relate to the muscle contraction enhancing the bone and dura position.

When cranial fault body language is brought into the explanation, the patient has an intimate relation to the explanation and s/he will own it.

The Importance of Body Language

Applied Kinesiology aims to promote and restore muscle balance in every muscle of the body, and in so doing helps improve physical movement. Increased movement is a powerful therapy in itself, particularly in relationship to the cranium, neck, jaw, and shoulders. Improved muscle function not only helps locomotion and posture, but the brain as well, including speech, vision, balance, memory and even intellect. Because muscles have other important functions such as energy production, circulation,  and immune activity, increasing physical power, muscular balance, movement speed and agility and decreasing muscular pain with use can improve overall health.

The ability to "read the body language of health problems" as expressed through the voluntary skeletal muscular system (measuring 40% of the body weight) is a critical asset for the applied kinesiology physician. The muscles are the source and the recipient of the greatest neural activity in the body. This includes sensory and motor activity, segmental and cerebral pathways, and autonomic activity in relationship to the metabolic, visceral, and circulatory demands required during muscular exertion and most of the activities of human life. The muscles are at the crossroads of afferent and efferent stimuli and are the most exposed part of the nervous system. Understanding body language gives the applied kinesiology physician an added insight into where the disturbances in your health originate.

The manual muscle test helps your doctor determine where the nervous system is malfunctioning. Correction of these "body language" signs of dysfunction returns you to your optimum physical and neurological state.

Body Language is the Key!!

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